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I am bound by non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) for most projects I have worked on. However, some clients were kind enough to let me use the following work samples. I've kept all the samples brief. Please note that clients may have made subsequent changes to their material.

Manuscripts, Screenplays & Short Stories

Excerpts from four different full-length fiction manuscripts.
The first sample is general fiction. It shows the material before it was edited, followed by my changes. The other three are in the young adult and sci-fi/fantasy genres.

Two feature screenplays I worked on: a war drama and a mystery/thriller. These works are WGA-registered, so details are restricted.



The first blog was written for, which produces fitness gear. The second is for a company that made skin care products. 

Open Book
Film Set
Reading Books Makes You Better

A short story I edited with before-and-after versions. This story is in the first-person present tense.

Below is a chapter from a nonfiction manuscript I edited for a prominent psychiatrist in Southern California.


Technical Writing/Copywriting

An article I edited for CoatingsPro, a trade magazine owned by AMPP (Associations for Materials Protection and Promotion).

CoatingsPro also gave me an introduction/acknowledgment at the beginning of the first issue I worked on. Now you can see a picture of me!


I wrote/edited this instructional pamphlet for PrivaBeam, by Innova Design Co. The two samples are the front and back sides of the booklet.

logo gold.png

Copy I wrote for Tequila Indianos.

Responsive Website



Below is a website I edited for a client running an upscale New York fashion company. The sample is a before-and-after look at the material.

I ran the Microsoft Teams devices website for over a year: writing, editing, translations, design, and us CMS 

I provided content writing and editing for products for these five companies:

MS Powerpoint Presentation

This is an MS PowerPoint presentation I made for an economics professor regarding price indexes. I took the audio out because I did not have permission to use it. I created all the slides, helped write the content, and did all the editing.


Used Book Shop

Two edited chapters from economic textbooks by California State University, East Bay faculty members.
The third, fourth, and fifth samples for Pasadena City College.

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